

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures as mom of Elliot and Amelia. Hope you have a nice stay!

This is Grossly Unbecoming to a Mom (But I Do It and I Bet You Do Too)

This is Grossly Unbecoming to a Mom (But I Do It and I Bet You Do Too)

Swearing! I never really cursed a lot until I became a sleep deprived mom. I love my babies and when they did sleep through night I missed them by morning but those months on end when I had to defy one hellish night after another, I would wake up cursing like a sailor.

Sh*t, F*ch, G*ddamn*t!

I’d stumble down the stairs to the kitchen holding an upset baby and then everything would go wrong: spil milk, drop the pacifier, the only wet wipes left outside in the car,…all these little things made me go out of my mind. I try to keep my cool, and I succeed when the first thing doesn’t go my way, and also after my baby wakes up again after finally having dozed off, but then I hit my toe or something (I tend to do this a lot!- I’m covered in bruises) and then I startle my little one by angrily swearing out loud. 

Great, now I've got a foulmouthed toddler 

Obviously this is not the way to go and I do try to keep my calm but now I really have to cut the swearing because just the other day I heard Elliot copy me! At two-and-a-half he loses it on average a few times a day and he is starting to deal with it like me: he throws his little hands up in the air, lets them glide down over his face pulling his eyes down and muffles goddamnit! I admit this was quite funny this first time but I really don’t want him to become a foul mouthed toddler! So I have started biting my tongue and swearing with made up words. 

Daisies and Daffodils! Son of a biscuit eater! 

This isn’t a very becoming side of me and most of the time I’m a happy go lucky kind of person but this swearing beast sits there lurking deep inside of me and I find it hard to keep it behind locked bars. It appears that I have endless patience with my kids but hardly any with myself. I strive not to lose my temper about silly things, and if I do swear I've started using the ones I found on this hilarious list from The Huffington Post.

I would love to hear about your experiences of losing your temper or having your little ones copy behavior you didn’t even know you had shown to them!

5 Essential Off-Registry Newborn Gifts That are Guaranteed to be Treasured

5 Essential Off-Registry Newborn Gifts That are Guaranteed to be Treasured

5 Hilarious Reasons Why it Was Silly to Dread Having a Boy

5 Hilarious Reasons Why it Was Silly to Dread Having a Boy